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Exclusive Video Training: Surprising Google Ads Secrets Revealed. The New & Guaranteed Way To Get The Highest Quality Leads For Your Service Business. All While Spending Less Money And Making More Profit

How To Explode Your Pipeline And Dominate Your Market With New Approach To Google Ads
As Seen In...

Finally... A Fast & Effective Way To Get More Qualified Leads On Autopilot

Do you want more qualified, leads and sales from your Google Ads?

Do you want to stand out and immediately build trust with your ideal customer's?

Do you want to dominate your market and crush your revenue goals?

At Codarity we turn your website into the ultimate sales machine in as little as 90 days!

We've shown countless business owners how to 2x, 3x & even 5x their Google Ads profits without using dodgy hacks, sleazy sales pitches or spending ££££ on new website's.

Performance Web Design Recent Example

Simply Follow Our Proven Framework & Leave Your Competition In The Dust!

Getting more red-hot, leads from your Google Ads is sooo much easier than you think.

Most people just don't know how to get the results they want from their ads and take waaay longer than they need to.

We’ve done all the hard work for you, so all you need to do is follow our proven blueprint and triple your conversion rate in no time.

You won’t just save time either. When you follow our advice closely, you also build so much trust and credibility that your website visitors will be begging to buy from you - No more competing on price, EVER!


98.47% increase in revenue and 126.95% increase in transactions
92.12% increase in conversions and cost per lead (CPL) reduction of 28.5%
Landing Page conversion Rate - Solar Installer
16.4% book appointment rate in solar niche (average sale value £15k)
288.89% Increase in qualified leads and 170.59% Increase in inbound call enquiries
Funnel Conversion Rate - Mortgage Broker
11.7% qualified appointment rate for hyper-competitive financial niche
155.1% Increase Phone Call Leads
Landing Page Conversion Rate - Insurance Broker
18.4% Landing Page conversion rate in competitive insurance niche
PPC Campaign Performance Comparison
80.7% Increase In Google Ads Conversion Rate & 73.21% Reduction In Cost-Per-Lead With New Website
Website Conversion Rate Before & After
488.9% New Landing Page Conversion Rate Increase

Here’s A Brief Outline Of What We’ll Cover In Your FREE 30-Minute Strategy Session…

  • WARNING: You Could Be At Serious Risk Of Lighting Your Money On Fire

    Are you managing your Google Ads yourself? BAD IDEA! We’ll show you why this is a MASSIVE mistake and how it can burn through your cash like wildfire!

  • The Conversion Killing Mistakes Made By Virtually All Business Owners

    Nearly every person looking to grow their business makes these common yet fatal Google Ads mistakes – find out what they are so you can avoid them!

  • The Proven Framework We Use To Double Qualified Leads Everytime!

    We'll reveal the strategies and tactics that are guaranteed to increase conversions everytime, without using dodgy hacks or sleazy sales pitches.

  • 3 Simple Tips To Convince & Convert Like Clockwork

    These strategies can help you make more money in half the time. Even in the most competitive markets.

  • The Old Myths & BS Told By The PPC Industry

    These embarrassing conversion killers should be avoided at ALL COST! Google doesn't want you to know about these (Cus these make them toooo much money)

87% Of Business Owners Will Never Get The Real Benefits Of Google Ads Without The Right Help!

Sadly, 87% of business owners will never scale their qualified leads and hit their growth goals.

It’s not their fault, they just haven’t been taught a repeatable framework that guarantees results every time. It doesn’t have to be this way for you though.

We can show you exactly what we do to double your conversion rate in 90 days or less and how our clients 2x, 3x and even 5x their revenue and profits using the same strategies.

Reserve your free strategy session today to see how you can achieve a similar result, and do it much faster than you ever thought was possible.

Traffic Projection
Cost Per Lead Comparison Before & After New Landing Page

Save Yourself Years Of Costly Trial & Error By Using Our Proven Framework To Scale Your Leads & Sales In Record Time

Why waste years struggling along, trying to figure things out for yourself?

You can save this time and get a much better result when you get our expert advice and use our proven framework to grow your business predictably 24/7.

It’s like a shortcut that gives you a battle-plan to beat your competition, grow your revenue, keep your phones ringing and skip the huge learning curve.

Are you ready to explode your profits in the shortest time possible? To have more certainty in your business without the years of hard work it usually takes?

Then claim your free strategy session while you still can.

Here’s Another Taste Of What You Can Expect When You Book Your FREE Strategy Session…


The Cold Hard TRUTH About The PPC Industry

We reveal what’s REALLY happening behind the scenes and why it's such a minefield.


3 Little Tips To Help You Build Trust On Your Landing Page In 3 Seconds Flat!

We’ve used these tips and tricks to accelerate the results for our clients so they get more sales with the same amount of traffic – now YOU can do the same!


Why DIY'ing It Isn’t Always The Best Choice For You

Running your own ads is always the best right? Wrong! We’ll show you why there’s a lot more to it than first meets the eye and what to do instead.


The Vital Key To More Leads As Fast As Possible

This all-important piece of the puzzle is crucial to growing your business and without it you are doomed to failure – make sure you have this at all costs!


What Never To Do When Optimising Your Ads

Please, never EVER do this to your Ad Account (unless you want to instantly turn-off your landing page visitors and leave money on the table).

Our 100% No-Quibble Performance Guarantee

We Guarantee That You'll Generate Consistent & Profitable Leads Within 90 Days Of Launch Or We Work For Free Until You Do!

Empty promises and “it depends” are a waste of your time. Our no-risk offer guarantees you will see a benchmarked improvement within 90 days or we will work on your campaigns for FREE until you do.

(fully backed by our service-level moneyback guarantee too).


Watch: Jamie Castle Interview

Watch: Lisa Bedlow Interview

Claim Your FREE No-Obligation 30-Minute Strategy Session (Valued At £237)

During this no-obligation call, our experts will discuss your specific situation and how we can help you grow your business in the shortest time possible.

Here’s what you’ll discover in your FREE consultation…

  • How to double your conversion rate in 90 days or less without using dangerous black-hat tactics or increasing your ad-spend

  • The exact process we’ve used to take countless clients from "not found" to being the top choice in their niche.

  • The biggest problem people come to us with which makes people hate their landing pages – no matter what they do!

This is ONLY for people who are serious about dominating their market and growing their business with a competition-destroying Google Ads campaign. Places are strictly limited. Enter your details below now to avoid disappointment and secure your strategy session today.